Natural was a so-called mystic who was really a con man. He took on the establishment with such characters as Whiteman, an uptight businessman. Some of Crumb's work involved social satire.

Around this time, Crumb created his famous cover art for Big Brother and the Holding Company's Cheap Thrills, which featured several drawings of lead singer Janis Joplin. The first issue of Zap Comix came out in 1968. He moved to San Francisco in 1967, which had a growing underground hippie music and art scene. Crumb soon started contributing to a number of underground newspapers. Natural, The Snoid, Shuman the Human and the Truckin' guys, surfaced his drawings from this period. According to his website, Crumb's boss often told him that his drawings were "too grotesque." Some of his most famous characters, including Mr. He first worked as a color separator before getting promoted to an illustrator position. In 1962, Crumb moved to Cleveland where he found a job at the American Greetings Corporation. He created such characters as Fritz the Cat, Angelfood McSpade and Mr. Talented and perverse, Crumb first entered the public eye as an underground cartoonist during the late 1960s as the creator of Zap Comix. Cartoonist Robert Crumb was born on August 30, 1943, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is best known for creating the cartoon characters Fritz the Cat, Mr. Controversial American cartoonist Robert Crumb is widely considered to be the "father of underground comics." His work has a distinctive style and satirical tone and often features strongly stereotyped portrayals of minorities and overly sexualized women.

We're just gorillas or just like apes that way, or chimpanzees, you know? There's always going to be the powerful alpha ones that have to dominate everyone else."Īmerican illustrator and artist Robert Crumb is best known for his distinctive style and satirical tone and creating the cartoon character Fritz the Cat. "Part of the human condition and human nature is that some people are just going to go for power and domination over other people.